Thursday, September 20, 2007


so, i saw this scarf, and besides needing it to live, i absolutely need to know how to make ruffles. the pattern is a trinket scarf by kim hargreaves and only comes in kits. it's not so much the scarf i need, only the knowledge of how to make those ruffles. so, i did a hunt:

a ruffled edge cast-on method:
To make your cast on edge ruffle as shown in the picture work as follows:
Cast on 4 times the number of stitches that your pattern calls for.
Row 1: Knit 2 together across the row
Row 2: Purl 2 together across the row
Commence knitting following your pattern.
When finished, steam the ruffled edge (don't iron it!)

that's all nice and all.......but i need more. lots and lots of fluffy ruffles. dammit ravelry. where are you when i need you?

then there is this. oh my, ruffles everywhere. and it even has a free pattern!


yarn - Kidsilk Haze from Rowan (70% super kid mohair, 30% silk; 25g; 229 yds) in the following amounts and colors:
2 skeins of #592 (A)
2 skeins of #601 (B)
1 skein of #590 (C)
3, size 9 circular needles (36")

18 sts= 4" in St st

Finished Measurements
6-1/2 " x 59"

Ruffle A
With A, CO 795 sts and work in St st until piece measures 2-1/2".
K3tog across row - 265 sts.
Cont in St st until piece measures 6-1/2".
Leave sts on needle.

Ruffle B
With B and 2nd needle, CO 795 sts and work in St st until piece measures 2-1/2".
K3tog across row- 265 sts.
Cont in St st until piece measures 4-1/2".
Leave sts on needle.

Ruffle C
With C and third needle, CO 795 sts and work in St st until piece measures 2-1/4".
K3tog across row- 265 sts.
Purl 1 row.
Leave sts on needle.

With RS facing, layer ruffles as follows: A on bottom, B in middle (figure G), and C on top.
With A, holding needles parallel, knit into first st on each needle, working 1 st of A, B, and C tog. Rep across row, joining 3 ruffles into scarf.
Purl 1 row.
BO all sts loosely.
Do not block.

Creative option
If 795 sts are a few too many, make a detachable ruffled collar; CO 396 sts and work in patt. There will be 132 sts after the K3tog row.

Oh - ! and I think I need fluffy ruffles too.

and even ruffle dickeys!

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